Server to server
The Google OAuth 2.0 system supports server-to-server interactions such as those between a web application and a Google service. For this scenario you need a service account, which is an account that belongs to your application instead of to an individual end user. Your application calls Google APIs on behalf of the service account, so users aren’t directly involved.
Create service account
To support server-to-server interactions, first create a service account for your project in the Google API Console. A service account’s credentials include a generated email address that is unique and at least one public/private key pair. If domain-wide delegation is enabled, then a client ID is also part of the service account’s credentials.
Read service account key (optional)
This step is optional. Service account private key, token uri and client email can be provided in multiple ways (env vars, config, etc..). This lib offers api to read service account key Json data from file system.
Service account key reader provides default implementation which uses FS2 streams in trait FS2ServiceAccountKeyReader.
Since it reads file from filesystem it requires blocking execution context which is provided by extending
val serviceAccountKeyReader: ZIO[ServiceAccountKeyReader, ServiceAccountKeyError, ServiceAccountKey] = ServiceAccountKeyReader.>.readKey("path-to-service-account-key")
val serviceAccountKey: IO[ServiceAccountKeyError, ServiceAccountKey] = serviceAccountKeyReader.provide(new FS2ServiceAccountKeyReader with Blocking.Live {})
Server to server authentication is exposed in Authenticator
module through service method
def auth(cloudApiConfig: CloudApiConfig, cloudApiClaims: CloudApiClaims): ZIO[R, AuthenticatorError, AuthResponse]
It receives two parameters, CloudApiConfig
and CloudApiClaims
* Represents config used to connect to Google OAuth 2.0 server.
* @param uri url used for creating auth requests
* @param privateKey private key used to sign JWT token
* @param grantType given grant
final case class AuthApiConfig(
uri: String,
privateKey: String,
grantType: String
* Represents the JWT Claims used in Google server-to-server oauth
* @param issuer Issuer claim, Case insensitive
* @param scope A space-delimited list of the permissions that the application requests
* @param audience The audience Case-sensitive. Can be either a list or a single string
* @param subject Subject, Case-sensitive string when defined
* @param expiresIn Controls when auth token will expire (Google API default is 1 hour)
final case class AuthApiClaims(
issuer: String,
scope: String,
audience: String,
subject: Option[String] = None,
expiresIn: Duration = Duration(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
On success auth method returns:
* Represents Authorization Server access token response.
* Access token expires in one hour and can be reused until they expire.
* @param accessToken google access token
* @param tokenType token type
* @param expiresAt when will token expire
final case class AuthResponse(
accessToken: String,
tokenType: String,
expiresAt: Instant
Module contains live implementation in Authenticator.Live
that depends only on org.http4s.client.Client
which is
needed to make http requests.
val authenticatorLiveManaged: ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Authenticator] = ZIO
.flatMap { implicit rts =>
val authResponse: ZIO[Any, Throwable, AuthResponse] = Authenticator.>.auth(apiConfig, apiClaims).provideManaged(authenticatorLiveManaged)
Even though Google Cloud server to server says that access tokens expire after one hour authenticator doesn’t cache auth responses by itself, it is left for user to decide how to keep tokens. Since authenticator returns auth responses wrapped in zio effect it is easy to cache them by using builtin API:
val cached: ZIO[Authenticator with clock.Clock, Nothing, IO[AuthenticatorError, AuthResponse]] = Authenticator.>.auth(apiConfig, apiClaims).cached(duration.Duration(1, TimeUnit.HOURS))
Server to server api is modular and exposes these zio modules, Authenticator, JwtSign and HttpClient. With this approach users can easily switch between their own implementations or the ones that library offers.
If for example user sees value in using different http client all that is necessary is to implement
def auth(request: HttpAuthRequest): ZIO[R, HttpError, HttpAuthResponse]
method in HttpClient.Service[R]
service. Method receives parameter of type HttpAuthRequest
case class HttpAuthRequest(
jwtToken: String,
uri: String,
grantType: String
On success it returns HttpAuthResponse
final case class HttpAuthResponse(
access_token: String,
token_type: String,
expires_in: Long
If for example user sees value in using different jwt signer all that is necessary is to implement:
def sign(privateKey: String, claims: Claims): ZIO[R, JwtSignError, JwtToken]
method in JwtSign.Service[R]
service. Method receives service account private key and claims:
final case class Claims(
issuer: String,
scope: String,
audience: String,
expiration: Instant,
issuedAt: Instant,
subject: Option[String] = None
On success it returns JwtToken
final case class JwtToken(token: String)
Authenticator module offers default implementation in trait Authenticator.Default
which depends on
- JwtSign
- HttpClient
- zio.clock.Clock
trait Default extends Authenticator {
self =>
val jwtSign: JwtSign.Service[Any]
val httpClient: HttpClient.Service[Any]
val clock: Clock.Service[Any]
Authenticator live implementation Authenticator.Live
extends Default
implementation and uses these modules:
implementation ofJwtSign
implementation ofHttpClient
implementation ofClock
To use Authenticator.Live
implementation user needs to provide instance of org.http4s.client.Client
Integration tests
To run integration tests together with unit tests you need to export path to service account key Json file in
env variable.
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH=/.../service-account-key.json
sbt test